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Spiritual Audacity



For everyone who has ever wrestled with a desire for SO MUCH MORE;


For everyone whose own “falling apart” proved to be the greatest mercy;


For everyone who wishes they had soul friends who were on the same journey;


For everyone who is aflame with a curiosity about how to live life’s questions with gusto;


For everyone who cannot get enough of the fierce beauty of the divine, hidden in every smile and song and soap bubble;


This retreat is for you.


Introducing the first-ever
Spiritual Audacity Retreat!

Located on a private lake in Texas, you’ll form new friendships with other seekers and wanderers who know the same secret longings.


You’ll soak in the serene sunrise over the still waters; you’ll sit around a bonfire late into the night, surprising yourself with how deeply you resonate with another’s story of growth and crisis and being remade.


If you’ve ever felt spiritual audacity surge up within you-- a hunger, a wild freedom amidst the murky waters, a fire for UNION with All That Is--


This retreat is for you.

April 23-26, 2020 | Hempstead, TX
The Spiritual Audacity Retreat

Dive Into The Unknown

Juicy Themes That Make Your Toes Curl

We'll explore topics like:

  • Divine Intimacy and Unquenchable Desire  

  • Seeing into the Depths of Things: Wonder and the Sacramental Imagination

  • East & West: Breathing with Both Lungs

  • How the Earth Teaches Us to Be Ourselves

  • Love the Giver, Not Only His Gifts: How to Avoid Being a Spiritual Gold-digger

  • Into the Unknown: Settling into Spaciousness

We Are All Beginners;

We Are All Elders

We all have wisdom to share--and we are all learning how little we know! We invite you to share your own magic: engage in small group discussions, lead a sunrise yoga, or share your favorite practice with the group. Submit your idea when you register!

The poet Rilke says it best:
"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. 

the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

Our goal: to live the questions together - generously, fearlessly, graciously.

Perhaps you, like me, have a hunch that Unknowing is the best kind of knowing after all.

Beauty as Teacher

You will have far more to learn from Lady Beauty than you will from any talk or retreat leader. Thus, we'll make sure you have ample time to saunter along the private lake, explore the hidden worlds on wooded acres, and stretch yourself under the big Texas sky.

The Practice Of

Shared Living

This is not a conference with hundreds of people. It is a four-day shared practice of contemplative living. One of the practices you will experience is that of living life together with others. Experience sacred rhythms in the midst of the stuff of life: a shared cup of coffee; heating oil in the frying pan; sharing a space of stillness together. It is in the "mundane," lived intentionally, that intimacy is found.

Silence + Togetherness

The retreat schedule is designed to be spacious. Enough form to give direction and value, enough freedom to allow the Spirit to move as she wills. We will not only talk about contemplation; we will make ample space for practicing it. We will not only nod at the need for community; we will forge connections around the dinner table and under the stars.



5:00      Arrive, settle in, and meet your tribe 

5:30      Introduction to Spiritual Audacity 

6:30      Dinner

7:30      Group practice

8:00     Small groups


7:30       Breakfast available

8:00       Optional morning practice

9:00       Session 1

10:00     Silence begins

12:00     Lunch available (in silence)

2:00       Session 2

2:45       Small groups

3:15       Group activity or practice

5:00       Begin prep for dinner

6:00       Dinner

7:00       Evening of connection, relaxation, and mischief


8:30      Morning practice

9:00      Brunch

9:45      Cleanup

10:00    Last Session + Group Activity

11:00    Goodbyes, head to airport


Where You'll Be Staying

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Meet Your Facilitators


Director of Mischief


Kelly Deutsch is a professional coach, spiritual director, and international speaker. After spending years in the convent, she fell in love with the mystics when her health failed and she was forced to return home. After she emerged from 18 months of being half bedridden, she wrote a bestselling book called Spiritual Wanderlust: The Field Guide to Deep Desire. Richard Rohr has hailed this book a "must read."


She now accompanies seekers and mystic-types into the Unknown. When she’s not exploring the interior life, you might find her devouring Thai curry or marveling at the sky.




Michael Petrow is a spiritual director, former pastor, and current Origen fanatic. He is a graduate of the Living School, and dabbles in all sorts of contemplative work. Growing up evangelical, his path to mysticism came both from his own curiosity and his path through suffering.



The retreat will be held on a property in rural Hempstead, TX. To keep costs as low as possible, we will do our best to coordinate carpools from the Houston airport. If you are driving from somewhere in Texas and will have room for a few more bodies, please let us know when you register!

The address and directions will be sent out via email after you register.


While we cannot accommodate every dietary restriction, we will do our best to provide options at our meals. Please note any restrictions you have on the registration form.


Yes! There are plans brewing for a retreat in the Pacific Northwest in September, and another in FRANCE in January! (Spiritual Wanderlust pilgrimage, anyone??) If those seem too far away, shoot me an email at to arrange a contemplative retreat in your region.


Sign up for my email list here, and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop! (Don’t worry, I don’t send many emails, and you can unsubscribe at any time!)


Your retreat registration fees are 100% refundable until February 23. After that date, you can receive 50% of your fees back until March 23.


Those who register before Feb. 3, 2020, are eligible for a one-hour Deep Dive with Kelly. After you register, you will receive an email with a calendar link to book your time. You're free to use your Deep Dive in the six months following the retreat.

Have other questions? Email us at
Special Early Bird Offer!

For those who sign up before February 5, you’ll also get a free, one-hour Deep Dive with Kelly.


What’s a Deep Dive?


You might think of it as a kind of spiritual spelunking.


After a powerful experience, we are often left feeling high and dry.


Why were things so wonderful and easy when on retreat? How can I be faithful to the seeds that were planted and the desires that are growing?


While we might not be able to maintain euphoria, we can make space for how the divine is working. During this one hour call, we’ll dive into questions like:


  • What seeds were planted in the conversations, talks, and silence of the retreat?

  • What is begging to be born in you? 

  • What is a theme you’re hungry to deepen and expand?

  • How can you hold space for what the divine is working in you?

This offer is only available to those who register before February 5.  Sign up now to claim your spot!

Copyright KD Coaching 2020

Have questions? Email us at

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